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Breastfeeding Consultations:

Our consultant will take a breastfeeding history, examine your breasts, and do a breastfeeding physical on your baby. Next, she will observe you and your baby nursing, then do a test weight to see how much your baby drank. And last, you will leave Growing with Baby with a written feeding plan and a follow-up appointment when necessary.



We also offer professional services and guidance with the following issues:


-Feeding Problems

-Growth and Development

-Behavioral Challenges

-Adjustment to Parenthood

-Sleep Problems

-Excessive crying 

-Adoptive Parenting and Nursing


Call and ask about our free weekly support group. To hear our topic for the week, check on the Growing With Baby Facebook page or call our office.


Stay tuned to learn about our prenatal package designed to help you get off to the best start while breastfeeding. It includes a free copy of Andrea's book, Suckle Sleep Thrive.






Contact Us

1230 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 |  (805) 543-6988

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